Author Posts

Download Conference Program

After many variations to try to meet the different needs, thinking of the Conference as a moment of dialogue and participation that can foster peaceful participation of all, we formulate the updated programme. The Conference program of ELO 2022 International Conference and Art Festival is available clicking here. See you in a week!

Deadline extended and submission form for Authors

Full paper submission deadline extended: May 2, 2022. The ELO 2022 Conference accepts both abstracts and full papers. If you insert in the online form only the abstract you will be able to present your work at the Conference and we will include the abstract in the Conference Guide. If you insert (upload) also the [...]

ELO 2022 Distributed Conference events

ELO2022 is approaching! Here some infos concerning our events. We will start with the Arabic Digital Literature: Arabic round table, 7th of May. Then we will move to Finland: online workshop, 24th of May. And after our hybrid conference in Como we will go to Brazil: Brazilian session, June 27th to June 29th, and will involve lectures, panels, [...]

Accomodations close to the conference venues

We are moving forward with updating the online conference platform. Very soon we will be able to provide useful information on the best accommodations near the conference sites with special rates for participants, and details that can help in planning the trip and a possible longer stay in Italy.

Acceptance of your proposals in few days

We are deeply grateful for your interest, passion, and close attention to this year's call for papers. We received over 300 proposals, articulated in the different forms provided by the conference. We are proceeding in the most expeditious way to ensure a double blind peer review of all registered submissions. Starting from day 15 we [...]

ELO 2022 Special Call: Mentoring Exhibition (Extended April 1)

“Show me how to do this” Learning E-lit by Making Together CFP: ELO 2022 Special Call: Mentoring Exhibition Deadline March 15, 2022 April 1, 2022 Online Exhibition: June 2022 Curated by María Goicoechea and Mark Marino Submission form: Call for Works The making of electronic literature is an artisanal practice, born of community practices of [...]


Feel free to contact us for the main venue in Como (Italy) or for the other connected activities of the partners.

ELO 2022 ConferenceMain Venue and Call for Papers

Organization Headquarter
Collegio Gallio
Via Tolomeo Gallio, 1
22100 Como (Italy)

Managing Team
H-Studies Research Group
University of Jyväskylä
Seminaarinkatu 15
FI-40014 Jyväskylä (Finland)

Connected EventsELO 2022 Partners' initiatives

Finland – University of Jyväskylä

Japan – Nagoya University

Arab Academic Inst. of Education/Arab Union for Internet Writers

Brazil – Federal University of São Carlos / Santa Catarina

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